
Feedback, Compliments And Complaints Form

Compliments, complaints and other feedback provide us with valuable information about your satisfaction with our services. Feedback is taken seriously by Help on Wheels and is seen as an opportunity for improvement. Please let us know what you think.
If your complaint cannot be resolved promptly or within 24 hours, it must be referred to the Operational Manager. The Operational Manager will advise the person of their right to lodge a formal complaint if they have not already done so, with the assistance of a support person or advocate if they wish. Your complaint will be formally acknowledged by the Operational Manager within 5 working days. Help on Wheels will respond to all complaints and grievances as quickly as possible, within 28 days from acknowledgement. If your complaint cannot be responded to in full within 28 days of acknowledgement, an update must be issued to the complainant. All feedback and complaints will be used by Help on Wheels to continuously improve our service delivery. Escalating Complaints If you feel a complaint has not been sufficiently or appropriately addressed, you can seek further support from Help on Wheels’s CEO, or alternatively through any of the following agencies: NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
  • Online: www.ndiscommission.gov.au
  • Phone: 1800 035 544.
Australian Human Rights Commission • Phone: 1300 656 419 • Online: humanrights.gov.au Fair Trading NSW NDIS participants purchasing products and services also have rights and protections under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL), including provisions on customer guarantees and unfair contract terms. Fair Trading NSW provides information and advice and, in some cases, dispute resolution services for customer disputes under the ACL. Complaints to NSW Fair Trading can be lodged: • Online: www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/help-centre/online-tools/make-a-complaint • Phone: 13 32 20 New South Wales Ombudsman Participants in Supported Independent Living services or other accommodation arrangements can be supported by Official Community Visitors (OCVs). OCVs are coordinated by the New South Wales Ombudsman and are responsible directly to the Minister for Disability Services and the Minister for Community Services. OCVs visit government and non-government accommodation services for children, young people and people with a disability throughout NSW. Their role is to promote residents’ rights, identify issues raised by residents, provide residents with information, help resolve concerns and inform the Ministers and the Ombudsman about the quality of services being delivered. OCV visits can be requested by emailing ocv@ombo.nsw.gov.au. Further information about OCVs can be provided by the OCV Team Leader on 02 9286 1000. Finally, you can contact the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) if you have concerns regarding consumer protection in relation to your finances. See https://asic.gov.au/about-asic/contact-us/. Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about our service.

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